BrewDog’s IPA is the best-selling craft beer brand in the United Kingdom, with sales in both the off-trade and on-trade markets exceeding $1 million. BrewDog is the largest craft beer company in the United Kingdom, with sales of more than 86 million British pounds in the first quarter of 2019.
What is craft beer UK?
When it comes to beer production, a craft brewery in the United States is described as one that produces fewer than six million barrels of beer per year. Because we have a long legacy of small batch’real ale’ breweries in the United Kingdom, categorising them according to their size isn’t as useful.
What is a traditional British beer?
Lager is a phrase that is commonly used in England to refer to bottom-fermented beers. Despite the fact that the traditional English beer is ale, lager in the Pilsener and Export forms currently accounts for more than half of the current English beer market.
What defines a craft beer?
Generally speaking, craft beer is manufactured using traditional components such as malted barley; however, unique and occasionally non-traditional additives are frequently added to give it a distinct flavour. Craft brewers are known for being actively involved in their communities through philanthropy, product contributions, volunteerism, and event sponsorship, among other avenues of engagement.
The comeback of traditional British ales, as well as the rise of British craft brewing, have not diminished lager’s position as the unchallenged sales champion in the United Kingdom. In spite of the Brexit vote, foreign beer brands such as Budweiser, Heineken, Carlsberg, Stella Artois, and Guinness continue to dominate the British beer market. We hope this article was useful and you found the answers to your questions. To find the most suitable craft beer just visit the Funkypigeon UK website.